Mitchell House School Support Service
The Mitchell House Support Service provides support to teachers in Nursery, Primary and Post Primary schools who have pupils with a physical disability enrolled in their school.
Advice may be given on:
- Teaching resources
- Environmental Assessments
- ICT assessments
- Specialist software
- Classroom support e.g. specialised equipment
- Annual Review
- Training e.g. Manual handling
If necessary, the Support Service can lend equipment to individual schools either to trial its appropriateness or until they are able to place an order.
On behalf of Education Authority - Belfast Region, the school carries out assessments of the provision required to support children with disabilities in mainstream education and those transferring from primary to secondary level education. The service also supports pupils who have transferred from Mitchell House to mainstream schools. The service is free to all schools.
We offer telephone advice and are now providing web link support.
We will provide support and advice to:
- Principals
- Class Teachers
- Subject Teachers
- Pupils
- Classroom Assistants
- General Assistants
- Other relevant staff
Accessing our service
In order to access an Environmental Assessment you should contact you school's AAO who will then pass on your request to us. If you need an ICT Assessment for a student with a physical disability you can contact the school directly. Outreach support and advice can also be requested directly from the school.
The MHSSS Team